Or, Tuesday, May 24, 2011.
I've been meaning to write this since yesterday morning. This page has literally been open on my laptop for 34 hours,and I've been trying to muster the energy to really get into this. We're moving on to the contract chapter, which contains large excerpts of Christian's Submissive Contract and Ana's thoughts on it. Rather than lay out the entire contract here (we're not getting any younger, after all), I thought I would just do a little comparison. I'll first list all of the issues I have with the contract, and then I'll let you guys know how Ana feels about everything. The first six or so provisions are pretty basic, all explaining that any changes, additions, etc. have to be agreed upon in writing.
Section 13, under the AVAILABILITY subheading reads a little something like this:
"The Dominant reserves the right to dismiss the Submissive from his service at any time and for any reason. The Submissive may request her release at any time, such request to be granted at the discretion of the Dominant subject only to the Submissive's rights under clauses 2-5 and 8 above."
I'm going to highlight my major issues with this contract. The first issue I have should be fairly obvious, but in case it isn't let me explain exactly what is happening here. This is a consensual contract (supposedly - he does get her drunk to make her more amenable). Therefore, this should also be a consensual relationship. Clauses 2-5 are as follows: 2. Contract allows Submissive to safely explore her sensuality. 3. Both parties acknowledge that everything that occurs under the terms of this contract is consensual, provided limits are respected. 4. We really shouldn't give each other any STIs. Really. 5. Adherence to the above is fundamental to the contract. Clause 8 explains that if the Dominant crosses lines or ignores safety, the contract is void. Here's my problem. The Submissive can only request to terminate the relationship. The Dominant can refuse this request. The only time Ana can terminate the relationship, no questions asked, is if Christian blatantly violates the terms and limits of the contract. Otherwise, Christian can effectively hold Ana against her will for the duration of the contract if he feels that her reason for wanting to end the relationship isn't "good enough."
Section 15.2: "The Dominant accepts the Submissive as his, to own, control, dominate, and discipline during the Term. The Dominant may use the Submissive's body at any time during the Allotted Times or any agreed additional times in any manner he deems fit, sexually or otherwise."
Am I totally out of line for wanting an explanation here? If you've read the series or watched the movie, it would have been apparent that even in punishing Ana, Christian is being sexually gratified. I wonder then, what he could deem necessary that would fall into the "or otherwise" category.
Section 15.5: ".... The Dominant may flog, spank, whip, or corporally punish the Submissive as he sees fit, for purposes of discipline, for his own personal enjoyment, or for any other reason, which he is not obliged to provide."
Uhm. Okay I guess I have a couple issues here, with the largest issue being highlighted. Including the phrase "for his own personal enjoyment" literally opens up the Submissive to serious abuse. What would happen to a guy who beat the shit out of his girlfriend because he wanted to? (Statistically, nothing, I know, but go with me here). The situation would be called domestic abuse because that's what it is. If Christian can beat Ana to hell and back because someone cut him off in traffic, something is seriously wrong. And to make matters worse, HE DOESN'T HAVE TO TELL HER WHY HE'S HITTING HER. The contract moves on to 15.6 and explains that no permanent marks can be left and he can't hospitalize her (how kind), but regardless, this should raise some major red flags. If Christian wants a punching bag, we all know he has the money to go buy one.
Ana's complaints span a couple pages, but aren't anywhere close to what we would hope they'd be. I do, however, give her credit for taking the same issue with Section 15.5 that I did. Most of her issues are understandable - Christian dictating how many hours of sleep she gets, only being able to eat from a prescribed list of food, etc. - but she doesn't take issue with much of the more problematic verbiage. Some examples of her concerns include:
8: I can terminate at any time if I don't think you're sticking to the agreed limits. Okay - I like this.
9: Obey you in all things? Accept without hesitation your discipline? We need to talk about this.
15.19: Touching myself without your permission. What's the problem with this? You know I don't do it anyway. -- oh, Ana. you poor, deprived soul.
15.22: I can't look into your eyes? Why?
Sleep: I'll agree to six hours.
Food: I am not eating food from a prescribed list. The food list goes or I do - deal breaker. -- of all the things, THIS is the deal breaker?
When Christian is finished reading her proposal, he is relieved that she is taking this contract so seriously (it's like she's aware that it surrenders 100% control of her life to him or something).
"Her response is a relief. Miss Steele has put some thought into this, more so than anyone else I've dealt with over this contract. ... She seems to be taking it seriously and we'll have much to discuss on Wednesday." -- suddenly Christian has forgotten that until 4 days ago, Ana had barely even kissed a guy before and he's surprised that she has so many questions. How did this guy get so rich while lacking so much common sense?
He responds to her email and tells her to go to bed (she needs 8 hours if she wants to be his property).
Christian Grey
CEO & Control Freak, Grey Enterprises Holdings, Inc.
A few minutes pass and once I'm convinced she's gone to bed, persuaded by my capital letters, I head into my bedroom." -- yep, that's right. she was convinced by your skillful use of caps lock. bravo.
Christian goes to bed, but can't sleep because he keeps thinking about Ana (what about your 8 hours a night, huh?). He's concerned that Ana has unrealistic expectations about their relationship (gosh, I WONDER WHY) and wants to set the record straight. And, in true Christian fashion, he chooses to do so in the most condescending way possible.
"Dear Miss Steele,
Following my thorough examination of your issues, may I bring to your attention the definition of submissive." -- THAT'S RIGHT! He feels the need to write the entire dictionary definition of 'submissive' to ensure that Ana knows what he's talking about. I understand that maybe we don't think Ana is the sharpest knife in the box, but Christian is acting like a petulant, pedantic, 12-year-old, trying to prove he's better than the other 7th graders.
The email conversation goes back and forth with not a lot of substance. Ana counters his definition of 'submissive' with her own definition of 'compromise'. And for some bizarre reason, they change the subject of the email every time one of them replies, which is unrealistic at best. The email subjects they go through include:
C: "Issues"
A: "Burning the Midnight Oil"
C: "Stop Burning the Midnight Oil" (his very persuasive caps lock email)
C: "Your Issues" (when he offers her the definition of 'submissive')
A: "My Issues... What about Your Issues" (her definition of compromise)
C: "What about My Issues?" (Christian wants to pick Ana up for their meeting the next day)
A: "2011 - Women Can Drive" (Ana wants to drive to their meeting)
C: "Stubborn Young Woman" (Christian refers to his definition and still wants to pick her up - "Do you ever think you'll be able to do what you're told?)
A: "Intractable Men" (Ana wants to drive. Please.)
C: "Exasperated Men" (Fine.)
A: "Not So Intractable Men" (Thanks)
Ana signs her last email as follows: "Ana x" - Christian's reaction is troubling, given that he just went through all the trouble to further elucidate the terms of their relationship.
"And I'm rewarded with a kiss. Ignoring how that makes me feel, I let her know that she's welcome. My mood has lifted as I head to the hotel gym.
She sent me a kiss..."
There's no "baby" count this time. We remain at 42.
Sorry for the lack of humor in this post. So much of this chapter was so wrong. Hopefully I get my groove back with the next chapter. <3
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