Friday, June 26, 2015

BONUS POST: Christian's subconscious

You may remember from books 1-3 that Ana has an obnoxious subconscious self who salsas and whimpers and speaks directly to the reader.

Well, you'll be delighted to know that Christian has one too, and it has a very limited vocabulary. (My favorites will be bolded and stuff)

1. What the hell is keeping her?
2. Why the hell did I agree to this?
3. And she's a student.
4. Well, well... Miss Kavanagh is unavailable. 
5. What the hell are you thinking, Grey?
6. Yeah, yeah, baby, it's just a face, and it's only skin deep.
7. A bashful, booksih type, eh?
8. Does she have any sense of style at all?
9. Raising the ordinary to extraordinary.
10. Fuck! How did I not notice how inviting that mouth is?
11. I can tell, baby, but right now I don't give a damn because I can't take my eyes off your mouth.
12. Grey... stop this, now.
13. Stop being such a shit, Grey.
14. Lucky? A frisson of annoyance runs through me. Lucky? How dare she? She looks unassuming and quiet, but this question? No one has ever suggested that I was lucky... That's what I do, and I do it well. It's nothing to do with luck! Well, to hell with that.
15. What the hell? Maybe she can see through me.
16. "Control" is my middle name, sweetheart.
17. Suck it up, baby.
18. What do I do to chill out?
19. Heart? Me? Oh, no, baby.
20. Yes, okay, I admit it. I find her alluring.
21. Yes, baby. You, for one.
22. I could really take care of you.
23. Where the hell did that thought come from?
24. Shut her down, Grey!
25. Are these not her questions?
26. Oh, no, baby. It's my turn now.
27. Oh, yes - the usual effect.
28. What's wrong with my company?
29. Shit, she's going.
30. It ain't going to happen, Grey.
31. Yeah, yeah. I'm just seeing the girl out.
32. Hmmm.
33. Oh, I could stop your fidgeting, baby.

Chapter 1, Christian Grey "baby" count: 6
Total baby count: 6
-- that's right, guys. we're gonna keep score.

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