Monday, June 29, 2015

Grey: Chapter 4 AND 5

Or, Thursday, May 19, 2011 and Friday, May 20, 2011

Yes, that's right. We're doing TWO chapters today, because chapter four is only a few pages long. Let's get to it.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

It has been four days since Christian and Ana had their awkward sort-of-but-not-really-half-date, and we begin with a Christian Grey nightmare. He wakes up in a cold sweat after dreaming whatever it is that someone like him is afraid of.
"Sitting up, I put my head in my hands as I try to calm my escalated heart rate and erratic breathing. It's been the same for the last four nights. Glancing at the clock, I see it's 3:00 a.m."

Now, instead of maybe getting some water and simply going back to bed the way you or I might, reality smacks Christian across the face and he's lost in consuming thoughts of meetings and golf. Life is so hard. As he's getting himself together, his thoughts inevitably drift to the events of last Sunday.
"... [I] catch sight of myself, dressed only in pajama pants, reflected in the glass wall on the other side of the room. I turn away in disgust.
         You turned her down.
         She wanted you.
         And you turned her down.
         It was for her own good."
Oh, this is why Ana was mad in the last chapter. Right. Don't worry Christian, I'm sure this is going to be resolved in the next few pages. It'll only hurt for a little while.

**I think it's worth noting that the pacing of this book is almost identical to Fifty Shades of Grey. So those of you (like me) who were hoping that maybe this would be a one-off, encompassing the whole story... do not get your hopes up.**

Anyway, back to Christian's angst.

He's lying in bed, not sleeping, and cursing at the news for daring to mention that a rare Jane Austen manuscript is being auctioned in London - I mean, really, where is their compassion? This man is hurting and as he so eloquently put it: 
"Even the news reminds [him] of Little Miss Bookworm." (It's like Little Miss Sunshine, but not.)
His solution to make things better is obviously to gift her extremely expensive first editions of Thomas Hardy novels ("Hardy had a dark, twisted soul. Like me.").

He apparently needs to know when she's done with school in order to mail these books to her though (honestly who the hell puts books worth thousands of dollars in the mail?????) , so he gets the same dude who did Ana's background check to find out when her last final exam is. It's tomorrow, by the way. In what may be the most uneventful 5 pages this book has seen so far, chapter 4 ends with Christian sending the books to Ana with a quote which is supposed to act as a warning(?????), telling her to stay away from him. Which she was already doing, but what do I know?

Friday, May 20, 2011

After a refreshing night's sleep, Christian is thinking clearly and is back to his old self. So naturally, when his brother, Elliot, calls asking that the two of them get out of Seattle for a couple days, Christian suggests "hiking" in Portland. Elliot and Christian have quite a lot in common, actually. 
As James puts it:
"Working and fucking: that's Elliot's raison d'etre." This could also be said of Christian, but he's deeper than that. More in touch with his emotions. There's more to him than just work and sex... you know what, forget it.
The car ride must have been torture for them because the conversation was painful to read. James truly excels at capturing the most mundane details of her characters and then focusing on them for pages on end.

They end up not going hiking, but instead go mountain biking. 
"By the end of the ride we're both filthy and exhausted.
'That was the most fun I've had with my clothes on in a while,' Elliot says as we hand the bikes over to the bellboy at The Heathman.
'Yeah,' I mutter, and then recall holding Anastasia when I saved her from the cyclist. Her warmth, her breasts pressed against me, her scent invading my senses. (Ugh).
I had my clothes on then... 'Yeah,' I murmur again."

As they're checking their phones, Elliot comments on how often a woman has been trying to contact him - and then apparently completely forgets literally everything they teach you in sex-ed.
Christian: "Maybe she's pregnant."
Elliot: "Not funny, hotshot. Besides, I haven't known her that long. Or that often."
IT ONLY TAKES ONE TIME GUYS! Remember Mean Girls??

If you saw the Fifty Shades movie, you'll have noticed that the only authentic moment for Ana is when she drunk dials Christian. She's pissed (rightfully so) that he chose to send her a ridiculously extravagant gift just days after he completely rejected her. She's celebrating the end of finals with Kate and Jose and I don't know who else, and like literally every person who has ever finished the last final exam of their college career, she's out to get trashed. So in her anger, she drunk dials Christian and he is less than thrilled.
"'Which bar?' Tell me. Anxiety blooms in my gut. She's a young woman, drunk, somewhere in Portland. She's not safe."

In his anxiety ridden state, he chooses to track her phone, WHICH HE KNOWS IS ILLEGAL, in order to find out where she is.
"But what I want is not strictly legal."
"I know this is outside the law, but she could be getting herself into trouble." -- am I supposed to swoon here? am I supposed to think it's romantic that he has no qualms about invading her privacy aside from the fact that it's against the law?  am I? because this is not cute, this is not romantic. this is fucking scary.

He bursts into the bar, asks Kate where Ana is, and after learning that she went outside, picks up her scent like a fucking bloodhound and goes to find her. He finds a door that leads outside.
"Ironically, it leads to the parking lot where Elliot and I have just been." -- this is not irony.

He finds her trying to fight off her weird friend who wants to kiss her even though she most definitely does not want to kiss him (consent? what's consent?), and is furious because 'excuse me, but the only person who can violate her lack of consent is ME'. 

Ana apologizes for being drunk and drunk dialing and throwing up everywhere (which doesn't make sense what does she have to apologize for literally none of this bullshit would have happened if you hadn't been a creep about everything), but apparently, Christian cannot choose to be a decent human being in this moment.
"'We've all been here, perhaps not quite as dramatically as you.' Why is it such fun to  tease this young woman?" 
Because, Christian.

After all, only a total douche would think that a 22 year old who is drunk at a bar at the end of her undergraduate career has an actual drinking problem, especially since she's been super sober for the last 60 pages.
"Perhaps she has a problem with alcohol. The thought is worrying, and I consider whether I should call my mother for a referral to a detox clinic."
Shut up, Christian.

Since Ana is drunk, she grabs onto Christian's arm to steady herself. Christian freaks out because I don't know why, but soon, her voice soothes his fear of her tiny hand around his bicep. 
"She's oil on my troubled, deep, dark waters."

He takes Ana back to his hotel, justifying this because her apartment is too far of a drive from the bar. She's gross, obviously, from having thrown up all over herself, so he undresses her in the creepiest way possible.
"Then I unzip her jeans and pull them off, check the pockets before stuffing the jeans in the laundry bag. She falls back on the bed, splayed out like a starfish, all pale arms and legs, and for a moment I picture those legs wrapped around my waist as her wrists are bound to my Saint Andrew's cross."

Having one predatory moment over, Christian texts Elliot to tell him that Ana has been brought back to the hotel and is with him - just in time for another predatory moment.
"I text Elliot.
            Ana is with me.
     If you're still with Kate, tell her.
He texts by return.
            Will do.
     Hope you get laid.
     You soooo need it. ;)
His response makes me snort.
I so do, Elliot. I so do."

The chapter ends here, leaving the reader uncomfortable and dreading what comes next. I don't really know how to end this, but I have a feeling that as the book goes on, I'm going to start apologizing more and more. 

Grey: Chapter 3

Or, Sunday, May 15, 2011.

"With Moby blasting in my ears I run down Southwest Salmon Street..."

Wait wait wait. Moby? MOBY??? You want me to believe that a 28 year old billionaire is listening to an artist who's last point of relevance was winning Best Album Title at IFPI Platinum European Awards in fucking 2003?? Really????? What even are the IFPI Platinum European Awards? His last award at an American awards show (you know, where Christian Grey fucking LIVES) was the year before, in 2002 at the Billboard Music Awards. This is literally the first sentence in this chapter, Ms. James, and you've 100% lost me. Any disbelief I had willingly suspended (because let's be honest, you sort of have to), is back with a vengeance and it's all because you had to reach into the deepest archives of musical has-beens to find something that will make Christian sound "interesting" and "eclectic" and "mysterious". Why do you even need to specify what he's listening to? It doesn't add anything to his character (if anything it makes me hate him more so congrats on that fucking accomplishment). Why can't you just say that he has music blasting in his ears? It would have been just as, if not more, effective, because I wouldn't be having a bitch fit about it before moving on to the rest of your vapid novel. Fuck you.

Wow, okay. Now that I've gotten that out of my system, we can move on to the remainder of the chapter. It starts out reading like a diary entry, with Christian detailing his run, including his consideration of taking Ana on a non-date for coffee. By the time he gets back to his hotel, he is, in his words, "famished", which "[is] not a feeling [he] tolerate[s] - ever." He's so melodramatic about breakfast.

It's photoshoot time (he's gonna be in the college newspaper - the sole reason he and Ana even met) and he walks into the room and obviously sees Ana immediately.
"She's wearing tight jeans and chucks with a short-sleeved navy jacket and a white T-shirt beneath. Are jeans and chucks her signature look? While not very convenient, they do flatter her shapely legs."

Things get a little weird at the photoshoot, as Christian is incredibly bothered by Jose, a friend of Ana's who also happens to be in love with her. Think Jacob, from Twilight. (Team Jacob all the way).
As he's being photographed, he catches eyes with Ana - obviously.
"But then she bites her lip and my breath catches in my throat. Back down, Anastasia. I will her to stop staring, and as if she can hear me, she's the first to look away. Good girl."
It really doesn't take much.

After the photoshoot, Christian privately asks Ana to have coffee with him - totally a non-date guys, really - and her face, again, reacts erratically.
"I ask Ana to join me for coffee, my breath held for her response. Her long lashes flicker over her eyes."
Sorry, couldn't help it.

But good news, she says yes! 
"My relief is tangible and I grin. I have a date!" -- okay I guess this was a date. but he totally said 2 pages ago that it wasn't going to be a date ("Maybe I should take her for coffee. Like a date? Well. No. Not a date. I laugh at the ridiculous thought.") -- see? I told you.

They take the elevator down, and Christian is once again, surprised by the way Ana's (and most humans'?????) body functions.
"I'm relieved when the doors open again and I take her hand, which is cool and not clammy as expected. Perhaps I don't affect her as much as I'd like. The thought is disheartening."
-- she's attracted to you, Christian - she doesn't have the flu. although, maybe uncomfortable and sick is how you're used to women reacting to you.... 

Christian's inner monologue is horrifying. Genuinely and truly horrifying. To those who know me, think Jesse Garon's descriptive prowess. It hurts, and I may not ever look at a blueberry muffin the same way after reading this excerpt.
"She eyes the blueberry muffin as I peel back the paper, and for a moment I imagine her on her knees beside me as I feed her, a morsel at a time. The thought is diverting - and arousing."

So arousing in fact, that in the following pages, he manages to consider inviting her on a trip to both Cabo and Paris.
"Her eyes widen. They really are beautiful, the color of the ocean at Cabo, the bluest of blues. I should take her there."
"'I've never left mainland USA.' The cadence in her voice falls, tinged with regret. I could take her there." Yeah, yeah we know you're rich and all that but are you actually talking about taking her there to enjoy herself or are you working up some elaborate plan to kidnap her and have her buried in the Paris Catacombs? These are the real questions.

They finish up their insanely awkward half-date and Christian offers to walk her back to her car. Just as he's having an actual human moment ("I can't shake how agreeable her hand feels in mine. Maybe this could work."), the illusion is shattered. When Ana tells him she mostly wears jeans (because jeans are common staple pieces of clothing that require very little maintenance and are in general wonderful things???????), Christian gets extra creepy.
"...and it's two strikes against her: incurable romantic who only wears jeans . . . I like my women in skirts. I like them accessible."

And finally, in a totally expected and not at all surprising series of events, Christian manages to lead Ana on and crush her poor fragile heart, all in a matter of a page and a half. She wants romance and we all know Christian is soulless and can never give that to her, even if he's thinking weird things about holding her hand and getting jealous that she may or may not have a boyfriend. When we leave them Ana is furious with Christian for I don't really know what, but something bad enough that she storms off without giving him a second look. She's very complicated. 

"She turns away and strides up the street towrd the underground garage. I watch her go, hoping that she'll give me a second look, but she doesn't. She disappears into the building, leaving in her wake a trace of regret, the memory of her beautiful blue eyes, and the scent of an apple orchard in the fall."

Unfortunately, there is no "baby" count to report this chapter. Do not fret though - we start emailing in the next chapter, and "Laters, baby" becomes a thing, so. You all have that to look forward to.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Grey: Chapter 2

Or, Saturday, May 14, 2011.

When we last saw Christian, he had just had what was apparently the most exciting interaction of his young, disturbed life. So captivated by Anastasia and her plain, mousy, personality-less self, the chapter ended with him getting a background check on her.

The background check has lots of information in it that no reader was ever going to wonder about ever, but here it is anyway.

ANASTASIA ROSE STEELE (ew, we share middle names)

DOB:                      Sept. 10, 1989, Montesano, WA
Address:                 1114 SW Green Street, Apartment 7, Haven Heights, Vancouver, WA                                98888
Mobile No:            360-959-4352 (if we called this number would we get an actual                                        person or do you think EL James purchased the phone number                                      and recorded her own special message?)
SSN:                      987-65-4320 (same here - did she just steal and widely broadcast                                    someone else's SSN??)
Bank:                     Wells Fargo Bank, Vancouver, WA:
                                   Acct. No.: 309361 (really? why does he need this? oh wait.)
                                   $631.16 balance (really?????)
Occupation:           Undergraduate Student
                               WSU Vancouver College of Arts and Sciences
                               English Major
GPA:                      4.0
Prior Education:     Montesano Jr. Sr. High School
SAT Score:             2150 (sorry but I'm totally calling bullshit here)
Employment:         Clayton's Hardware Store, NW Vancouver Drive, Portland, OR (part-                                  time)
Father:                    Franklin A. Lambert, DOB: Sept. 1, 1969
                               Deceased Sept. 11, 1989
Mother:                  Carla May Wilks Adams
                               DOB: July 18, 1970
                               m. Frank Lambert March 1, 1989, (shotgun wedding much?)
                               widowed Sept. 11, 1989
                               m. Raymond Steele June 6, 1990,
                               divorced July 12, 2006 (on my 17th birthday)
                                   m. Stephen M. Morton Aug. 16, 2006 (YOU GOT DIVORCED A MONTH                                      AGOOOOOO)
                               divorced Jan. 31, 2007 (yeah no one saw that coming)
                               m. Bob Adams April 6, 2009

This also includes her political affiliations, religious affiliations, sexual orientation, and relationship status, of which there is no information. She has no known boyfriend and this is obviously a HUGE deal because it means that Christian can just find himself sitting in his car outside of her place of work being a total creep.

"I recall the question she asked during the interview, her acute embarrassment, the way her skin flushed a pale rose... I've been suffering from these lascivious thoughts since I met her."

-- lascivious: adj.; filled with or showing sexual desire
          **are you SURE that's the word you were looking for?**

Entering the hardware store, totally aware that he's behaving like a stalker ("I haven't mentioned her to Flynn, and I'm glad because I'm now behaving like a stalker" - his words, not mine), Christian surveys his surroundings, making sure his observations are as bizarre as possible.

"I'd forgotten the possibilities that a hardware store could present to someone like me."

He finds Ana quickly, thanks to his trusty stalker skills, and proceeds to make her, and us, extremely uncomfortable.

"There are a few items I need. To start with, I'd like some cable ties." 
"Oh, this is going to be fun. You'd be amazed what I can do with a few cable ties, baby." 

"She is affected by me. Hope blooms in my chest." -- you might wanna get that looked at.
"She's not gay, then. I smirk." -- oh good. this book would be even worse if you were the only heterosexual one.

We've finally arrived at the cable ties, and Christian is extra pleased:
"I select the longer ties. They are more flexible, after all, as they can accommodate two ankles and two wrists at once." 

Christian's shopping list is not long, and after the cable ties, he asks to see the masking tape. Obviously. On the way, he attempts small talk.

"'Have you worked here long?' Of course, I already know the answer." -- just make sure you don't say this shit out loud, man. she might actually figure out what a deranged person you are.

Christian selects the wider masking tape (it works better as a gag, apparently. and no, I'm not kidding), and as she hands it to him, their fingers brush against each other. Christian's body reacts, but not in the way you might expect:
"As she passes it to me, the tips of our fingers touch, briefly. It resonates in my groin. Damn!"

The last thing I'll say about his shopping excursion (because frankly, it's getting painful) is his thoughts on rope. 
"'I'll take five yards of the natural filament rope, please.' It's coarser and chafes more if you struggle against it... my rope of choice."

Now that Christian has all of his very necessary items, he asks Ana what her "thing" is. Obviously, books are her thing - the classics, British literature, etc. How very Bella Swan of you. 

When Ana calls Christian to confirm doing a photoshoot, she's breathy and nervous, almost like she's just discovered her boyfriend is a vampire. 
"'Miss Steele. How nice to hear from you.' I hear her breath hitch and the sound travels directly to my groin." -- this just in, Christian's dick has ears.

With the photoshoot set up, Christian is pleased. As he gazes pensively out of his hotel room window, the sky gets dark (because it's night time, wow) and he has one final thought:

"How the hell am I going to close this deal?"


Chapter 2 "baby" count: 3
Total "baby" count: 9

54 Thoughts While Watching "Ouija"

The first time I watched this movie, I went with a guy from work, on whom I had a rather large crush. We both knew we weren't in for cinematic genius, but it ended up being so bad, I bought him ice cream to make up for dragging him out there. Now here I am, watching it a second time with my sister, and I can't help but wonder if it will be worse because I don't harbor any sexual attraction for my movie partner.

  1. movie starts out with very strict rules. obviously no one is going to break them very soon. 
  2. "You can never ever play alone." *plays alone* THESE ARE YOUR RULES
  3. what kind of parent buys their 7 year old a ouija board anyway?
  4. *begins to tell story about ouija board that probably has a lot to do with the plot* *nevermind i'm just being crazy*
  5. --why do demons only care about opening your doors first? no one gets to the point anymore --
  6. *ouija board burns* *JUST KIDDING I'M BACK BITCHES*
  7. --she's going to hang herself with her fairy lights. the most bizarrely cheerful possessed suicide ever--
  8. "okay they always talk about how ouija boards and things can bring things into your house but do you ever think that watching movies about that kind of stuff can do the same thing?" - the sister gets  philosophical
  10. "why would she do this to herself?" "we'll never know" OR WILL WE
  11. "can you go around back and check the pool cover?" --why are we always splitting up in the murder house?--
  12. *stumbles across ouija board* "I never even got to say goodbye" --yeah this isn't foreshadowing or anything
  13. "PEOPLE ARE SO DUMB" - sister
  14. "do you ever feel like even after someone is gone you can talk to them?" "yeah but you can't sooooo?" *OUIJA BOARD EPIPHANY*
  15. -- no one notices that all the chairs around that table are pulled out for you? no one? just me? okay.--
  16. "I don't even think I believe in these things" --tooooo bad it's gonna kill you either way
  17. "As friends we gather, hearts are true. Spirits here, we call to you." -- see that's your first fucking problem in the realm of the dead BE SPECIFIC
  18. "who is this?" *board gives you the letter D* "DEBBIE IT IS YOU IT CANNOT POSSIBLY BE ANYONE ELSE"
  19. "Was there something I could have done? Is there anything we could have done to help you? Is there anything you want to tell us?" --guys this thing has to fucking spell out everything! one question at a time plz
  20. *boyfriend of dead girl gets pushed head first into a mirror* "DEBBIE IS HERE" - and apparently Debbie secretly hated her boyfriend? okay.
  21. "rule one: never play alone." *plays alone* - stupidity is contagious, even in the afterlife
  22. *grandmother finds planchette. has to move paper on only partially concealed board to realize what it is* NEVER TOUCH THIS, GRANDDAUGHTER
  23. -- this surface is flat why did you jump off your bike and start walking instead i do not understand --
  24. 'hm, this is uncomfortable and i am afraid if only there was a way for me to make a quick exit. perhaps something on two wheels that would allow me to move at optimum speed. no, can't think of anything like that. guess i'll just walk."
  25. *demon communicates with everyone by writing 'hi friend' on their property* "wow, he's making a lot of friends today" - sister
  26. --oh we're going back to the ouija board. sure. obviously.--
  27. --this girl has either the most loyal or the most idiotic friends ever. maybe both--
  28. *group collectively realizes they ae not talking to debbie* 'oops. i mean. we all make mistakes, right?'
  29. -- see this is the shit that happens when you don't let it finish spelling its name --
  30. *ouija board flies into the air* 'see guys wasn't this a good idea'
  31. 'what if we broke some sort of rule?' "YOU DIDN'T SAY GOODBYE" - sister
  32. *awkward 'everything has changed since we were tormented by a ghost' eye contact montage*
  33. *first friend dies* --everyone is going to die but the one who deserves it.--
  34. -- RIP Isabelle --
  35. 'you made us play and now we're all angry with you' YES THIS IS THE RIGHT ATTITUDE GOOD JOB
  36. -- typical "there's a box of creepy shit in the attic that is totally gonna be useful" cliche
  37. "From the look of these photos, I'd say these are the late 40s/early 50s." -- really? is that what your very sophisticated 17 year old brain tells you?
  39. "I guess they just let anyone visit people in psych wards."
  40. -- oh look it's the lady from Insidious, here to explain the whole plot to us --
  41. -- okay we now know the whole back story and literally everything else that's going to happen in the next 25 minutes. thank you for making the end a total waste of time --
  42. "OH SHIT NOT PETE! GIVE PETE BACK!" - sister
  43. -- your flashlight is dying because you're taking a thousand years to do the thing and fix this shit --
  44. *everything is fine* *JUST KIDDING I'M BACK BITCHES*
  45. "nooooooooooooooooooo not pete!" - sister
  46. -- RIP Pete --
  48. *grandma please help us because we definitely did not listen to you*
  49. Movie: "Trevor?" Sister: "Trevor is dying." Movie; "Where is he?" Sister: "DYING"
  50. -- RIP Trevor --
  51. -- aw yisss the original dead chick is back and she is pissed --
  52. *ouija board burns for the second time*
  53. -- and yeah, as previously stated, the chick who deserved to die is the one who lives. --

Welp. Aside from my sister screaming when she got a text message, that was much more underwhelming than the first time around. Now you lucky readers don't have to watch it. You can thank me in the comments.

Friday, June 26, 2015

BONUS POST: Christian's subconscious

You may remember from books 1-3 that Ana has an obnoxious subconscious self who salsas and whimpers and speaks directly to the reader.

Well, you'll be delighted to know that Christian has one too, and it has a very limited vocabulary. (My favorites will be bolded and stuff)

1. What the hell is keeping her?
2. Why the hell did I agree to this?
3. And she's a student.
4. Well, well... Miss Kavanagh is unavailable. 
5. What the hell are you thinking, Grey?
6. Yeah, yeah, baby, it's just a face, and it's only skin deep.
7. A bashful, booksih type, eh?
8. Does she have any sense of style at all?
9. Raising the ordinary to extraordinary.
10. Fuck! How did I not notice how inviting that mouth is?
11. I can tell, baby, but right now I don't give a damn because I can't take my eyes off your mouth.
12. Grey... stop this, now.
13. Stop being such a shit, Grey.
14. Lucky? A frisson of annoyance runs through me. Lucky? How dare she? She looks unassuming and quiet, but this question? No one has ever suggested that I was lucky... That's what I do, and I do it well. It's nothing to do with luck! Well, to hell with that.
15. What the hell? Maybe she can see through me.
16. "Control" is my middle name, sweetheart.
17. Suck it up, baby.
18. What do I do to chill out?
19. Heart? Me? Oh, no, baby.
20. Yes, okay, I admit it. I find her alluring.
21. Yes, baby. You, for one.
22. I could really take care of you.
23. Where the hell did that thought come from?
24. Shut her down, Grey!
25. Are these not her questions?
26. Oh, no, baby. It's my turn now.
27. Oh, yes - the usual effect.
28. What's wrong with my company?
29. Shit, she's going.
30. It ain't going to happen, Grey.
31. Yeah, yeah. I'm just seeing the girl out.
32. Hmmm.
33. Oh, I could stop your fidgeting, baby.

Chapter 1, Christian Grey "baby" count: 6
Total baby count: 6
-- that's right, guys. we're gonna keep score.

Grey: Chapter 1

Or, Grey: Monday, May 9, 2011. Because using dates as your chapter headings in a book from another character's perspective when the original series gave no thought to dates whatsoever makes total and complete sense.

Monday, May 9, 2011. Just a normal day in May. Christian did not wake up this morning knowing he would meet someone who so.... entices... him. And Ana certainly didn't know she'd be interviewing a man who would later stalk, beat, and otherwise take advantage of and abuse her. If she had, I'd like to think she'd have stayed home.

For the purposes of clarity, quoted passages with either be photographs or in bolded navy. My commentary will be red.

We begin with a brooding Christian Grey, sullied by the most common weather in the PNW, where he's supposed to live.

"Outside, a leaden sky promises rain, and I'm not in the mood to be rained on during my run today." - Welcome to spring in Seattle, dipshit.
"My mood is as flat and gray as the weather." - I see what you did there.

Ana all but flings herself recklessly into his office, tripping over her feet and waving her limbs around wildly, but Christian has much more important things to be concerned with:
"Clear, embarrassed eyes meet mine and halt me in my tracks. They are the most extraordinary color, powder blue, and guileless, and for one awful moment, I think she can see right through me and I'm left... exposed. The thought is unnerving, so I dismiss it immediately." 
This is page three and is SO sloppily done I almost can't believe it. If the thought was trivial enough to be dismissed immediately, WHY THE HELL ARE YOU FORCING ME TO READ IT? I'll tell you why - because EL James got her narrative style from Stephenie Meyer, and it's very important for us to know that this clumsy mop of brown hair and "powder blue" eyes is going to really change Christian. SHE'S NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS.

Moving on....
If you've read the original series, or just have not been living under a rock for the last 2 years, you'll know that Ana manages to blush or flush just about 200 times in Fifty Shades of Grey alone. That does not change in the totally necessary new perspective, but it does get much, MUCH more uncomfortable.

"I wonder briefly if all her skin is like that - flawless - and what it would look like pink and warmed from the bite of a cane." 

Ana talks, exists. EL James gives her actions very strange verbs.

"Her voice is quiet with a hesitant musicality, and she blinks erratically, long lashes fluttering."

At some point, Christian needs to know who she is and why she's there. Unfortunately, Ana (or perhaps our illustrious author) seems to forget the educational path that has been already established for her roommate.

Ana: "I'm studying English literature with Kate.... at WSU." - EXCEPT KATE IS A JOURNALISM STUDENT YOU LIVE WITH HER YOU SHOULD KNOW THIS

"How can this young woman be a journalist?" SHE ISN'T.

From here, I leave you with excerpts from the book that I felt should be included but couldn't bring myself to actually type - mostly because I need you guys to believe that this shit actually is in real and true print.

"As she fumbles and grows more and more flustered, it occurs to me that I could refine her motor skills with the aid of a riding crop." - I'm in for some real rapey, serial killer shit.


"For me, it's like falling off a log." - What does that even mean.


So... that's a 'no' then.

We conclude May 9, 2011 with a very breathy "Anastasia." "Christian." elevator exchange. If you're having trouble picturing it, HAVE NO FEAR because Hollywood has done the hard work for you.
Also he calls some dude named Welch for a background check. It's worth noting that the background check is actually printed in the book, and includes her bank account information.
Ah, romance.

Monday, June 22, 2015

77 Thoughts While Watching Fifty Shades of Grey

Alright. So, my friend Kali and I finally watched the Fifty Shades movie and it was much, much worse than I was expecting (which is saying A LOT). Below is a list of 77 things that were either said or thought during the course of the 2 agonizing hours.

We begin with a tally of how often Ana bites her lip - this number slows down towards the middle of the movie because Christian forbids the action. Obviously.

Lip bite tallly: 23

First observations on watching Fifty Shades of Grey:
Me - KS
Kali - KT

  1. "I feel like filling ourselves up with cheese and bread before this was a really good idea." KS
  2. "They had to use the song from Hocus Pocus, huh?" - KS
  3. ""All of his shirts have like 6 inches of personal space." - KS
  4. "If he consolidated down to a normal sized closet, how big would his Red Room of Pain be? It could be it's own fucking house." - KT
  5. "Oh god! Rita Ora's in this?!" - KT
  6. "That is a fucking ugly shirt. 'Let me try to look professional and like 50 years older by wearing this ugly fucking shirt.'" - KT
  7. --ew wow we're starting with the weird lip biting a little early--
  8. "That was such a good fake fall." - KS
  10. --is Dakota Johnson just now reading the script for the very first time?--
  11. --this is the world's worst interview--
  12. "There are some people who say I don't have a heart. At all." --Dramatic much?
  13. --I mean, I kind of get casting Jamie Dornan but you couldn't have gotten a more brooding dude with a more convincing accent?--
  15. "More pencil in the mouth, no stop it stop it stop it STOP IT" - KS
  16. "She can take rope. Off of a spool. And he is impressed." - KS
  17. "Rope, tape, cable ties... you're a complete serial killer." - literally the only time she's right about anything.
  19. "I'm not the man for you. You should stay away from me." -- Can Stephenie Meyer sue for plagiarism?
  20. --He showed up at my work without me telling him who I work for. He mailed me a thing without me giving him my address. WHAT A ROMANTIC MAN--
  21. "There is nothing else in that office, is there?" - KS
  22. "This is the most believable moment." - KT on drunk Ana
  23. 'I know where you are, I'm coming to get you." WHY IS THIS ROMANTIC?
  24. "nooo she said no." - KS
  25. --Christian is angry that Jose wanted to kiss her even though she said no. DOESN'T SHE SAY NO TO YOU LIKE A THOUSAND TIMES BUT YOU JUST GET HER DRUNK SO SHE'LL SAY YES?!--
  26. "Did you change my clothes? I feel like that's a real violation of privacy." - KS
  27. "Oh, there is other stuff in that office." - KS
  28. "Fuck the paperwork. FUCK THE PAPERWORK KAITLIN." -KT
  29. "Oh nooooo you?? You're like a legitimate actor why are you in this. aghhhh. goddammit." - KT
  30. "That's the most serial killer thing you could say to her in that moment." - KS
  31. "Is... is the chanting music coming from the movie?" - KS
  32. "He's making sex sound so terrible. I have never been less turned on." 
  33. "This is the best movie ever."
  34. "Damn, that's nice though. I would have sex in there."
  36. --I like how he's 'rectifying the situation' without actually asking her if it's a cool thing to do first. Consent? What's consent?--
  37. "He's got a great back though." - KS
  38. --wait did he use a condom? there was all this bitching about how she had to be on a BC shot because he doesn't use them and we haven't discussed that yet so basically he's being really fucking irresponsible with whatever trust this poor misguided girl has placed in him.--
  39. "Are... are you gonna lick her clean? Like a cat?" - KS
  40. "This is not cleanliness. There is no soap." - KS
  41. "That was a pretty intense moan for not being touched..." - KS
  42. "Still has not touched you you bitch, what the fuck?" - KT
  44. --'you can leave at any time except i'm going to spend a thousand hours persuading you not to and telling you that really you should stay because i said so'--
  46. "THEN they're going to a show at the gorge? THEY'RE IN PORTLAND" - KT
  47. "Let me convince you with all the things we won't be doing so you have no idea of what's actually going to happen."
  48. "I'm pretty sure this is like Stockholm Syndrome." - KS
  49. 'I haven't made up my mind yet.' That's a lie, you did make up your mind but he didn't like your answer.
  50. "What's with the mood lighting? Do you need mood lighting to sign a contract? Why is everything orange?" - KS
  51. "Ah, character development." - KS
  52. --that's not an attractive thing to say to someone--
  53. --so we need close ups every time she bites her lip?--
  54. 'Do you have an answer yet?' 'I'm still thinking.' 'No, stop thinking and just try this my way because I'm a fucking baby and have to get my way.'
  55. 'Did you just roll your eyes at me?' MAYBE IT WAS BECAUSE YOU SOLD MY PROPERTY WITHOUT MY CONSENT
  56. --most of the time he makes me happy. the rest of the time he's being emotionally and physically abusive.--
  57. 'But I haven't signed the contract.' 'I'm well aware.' THIS IS NOT OKAY
  58. I am so uncomfortable.
  59. #50ShadesofFear
  60. #TerrorIsTheNewSexy
  61. --thank god Ana has a stylist now--
  62. "There's a contract here somewhere, right? That we still haven't signed?"
  63. 'Palm-twitchingly mad.' This. Is. Abuse.
  64. Angsttttttttt
  65. *you know what this story needs? a place where we attempt to excuse all of his disgusting behavior by giving him an unfortunate past*
  66. --did you get her consent while she was sleeping then?--
  68. I can't imagine not liking someone and having to kiss them this often
  69. 'What are your safe words?' WE STILL HAVEN'T SIGNED THE CONTRACT????
  70. "This slow motion thing is the worst." - KS
  71. "It looks like he's dusting her." - KT
  72. "Was that a tear? Was that a single man tear I saw?" - KS
  73. 'Why do you want to hurt me?' A VERY GOOD QUESTION KEEP ASKING IT AND RUN AWAY
  75. that was more horrible than it was when I read it
  76. *beats the shit out of Ana* 'please don't hate me.'
  77. *Ana leaves* *Christian is surprised*

Man, I can't wait for the second movie. When he buys the company she works for so he can keep a closer eye on her? So romantic.